Help fund our campaign to acquire a Yamaha Grand Piano for the Museum. This will bring back piano classes and enhance our cultural events with high-quality music. Your support will make a significant difference in enriching our community’s artistic experiences.

Fundraising appeal letter


Dear friends of Coral Gables Museum,

Many of you will probably remember walking into our Community Meeting Room and hearing the beautiful melodies of a baby grand piano filling the space. Unfortunately, that piano is no longer with us since its lender took it away. Today, we have a unique opportunity to enrich our community by contributing to the purchase of a Grand Piano for the Coral Gables Museum.

This piano will be the centerpiece of our music concerts, recitals, and classes, bringing the magic of live music to all who visit. Your donation, no matter the size, will make a significant impact. It will enable young students to discover their passion, allow aspiring musicians to hone their craft, and provide our community with the gift of beautiful, live music. Every recital, every class, and every concert will be a testament to your generosity and support.

Join us in this inspiring mission. Let’s create a legacy of music that resonates through the halls of the Coral Gables Museum. Donate today, and let’s fill our Community Meeting Room back with the harmonious sounds of a future we built together.

Thank you.

Elvis Fuentes, Executive Director, Coral Gables Museum