Dreaming Coral Gables — A Biographical Story

Betty and L. D. Pankey Gallery and The Dream Gallery

June 21st, 2024 – April 21st, 2026

In collaboration with the Historical Resources and Cultural Arts Department, Raul E. Valdés-Fauli Coral Gables Archives, and the Coral Gables Merrick House, City of Coral Gables.

This exhibition delves into the multifaceted life of George Merrick: the artist, the entrepreneur, the visionary, and the dreamer. Personal objects, photographs, documents, and other historical material will offer visitors an in-depth exploration of our founder’s life, contributions, and enduring impact on the cultural and architectural landscape of The City Beautiful. A highlight of the show is the triple-screen, digital dramatic curation “The Placemaker-Poet” inspired by Arva Moore Parks’ acclaimed biography “George E. Merrick: Son of the South Wind”, presented by What if Works.

Soñando Coral Gables — Una Historia Biográfica

Esta exposición profundiza en la vida multifacética de George Merrick: el artista, el empresario, el visionario y el soñador. Objetos personales, fotografías, documentos y otro material histórico ofrecerán a los visitantes una exploración en profundidad de la vida, contribuciones y impacto perdurable de nuestro fundador en el paisaje cultural y arquitectónico de La Ciudad Bella.

Uno de los puntos destacados de la muestra es la curaduría digital dramática en triple pantalla “The Placemaker-Poet”, inspirada en la aclamada biografía de Arva Moore Parks “George E. Merrick: Son of the South Wind”, presentada por What if Works.

Curaduría / Curatorship: Michael Maxwell, Raúl Hernández, Amanda Levasser & Yuneikys Villalonga Curatorial Assistance / Asistencia Curatorial: Sophia Ramirez-Peralta Educational Programs / Programas educativos: Gianna Riccardi & Ian Melgarejo Installation / Instalación: Fabian Peña & Adrián Menendez Marketing and Communication / Marketing y Comunicación: Maylin Lara


Professor Emeritus Philip M. Church created the work in collaboration with the nonprofit theater company What if Works.

It highlights Merrick’s contributions to South Florida and the significance of Coral Gables’ history. From his creative use of coral in city construction to his advocacy for gender pay equality and the establishment of community institutions, the production celebrates Merrick’s lasting impact.

With Church’s experience in FIU’s theater program and recent focus on local history, this production promises to offer an engaging exploration of George E. Merrick’s life and accomplishments.