Dreaming Coral Gables — A Biographical Story

Betty and L. D. Pankey Gallery and The Dream Gallery

June 21st, 2024 – April 21st, 2026

In collaboration with the Historical Resources and Cultural Arts Department, Raul E. Valdés-Fauli Coral Gables Archives, and the Coral Gables Merrick House, City of Coral Gables.

George Merrick, the visionary founder of Coral Gables, is widely celebrated for his positive self-confidence and optimism. However, a recently discovered handwritten letter to his father, from when he was twenty-four, reveals a more introspective and darker side to his character that challenges conventional perceptions.

 By raising perhaps more questions than answers, this exhibition anticipates a more complex portrait of George Merrick. WHile the letter touches upon his early guilt for disappointing his father due to his artistic inclinations, every aspect of his subsequent life demonstrates a successful combination of artistry and business acumen.

 The exhibition culminates with the screening of “The Placemaker-Poet” a captivating digital dramatic curation inspired by Arva Moore Parks’ authoritative biography, “George E. Merrick: Son of the South Wind”. Produced by What If Works, this piece brings Merrick’s story to life through innovative storytelling and multimedia techniques, offering visitors a deeper understanding of his enduring legacy in shaping Coral Gables and beyond.

Soñando Coral Gables — Una Historia Biográfica

George Merrick, el visionario fundador de Coral Gables, es ampliamente celebrado por su positiva autoconfianza y optimismo. Sin embargo, una carta manuscrita recientemente descubierta dirigida a su padre, escrita cuando tenía veinticuatro años, revela un lado más introspectivo y oscuro de su carácter que desafía las percepciones convencionales.

Quizás por plantear más preguntas que respuestas, esta exposición anticipa una imagen compleja de George Merrick. Aunque la carta aborda su sentimiento de culpa por decepcionar a su padre debido a sus inclinaciones artísticas, cada aspecto de su vida posterior demuestra una exitosa combinación de artisticidad y talento para los negocios.

La exposición culmina con la proyección de “The Placemaker-Poet”, una cautivadora curaduría dramática digital inspirada en la biografía autorizada de Arva Moore Parks, “George E. Merrick: Hijo del Viento del Sur”. Producida por What If Works, esta pieza da vida a la historia de Merrick a través de técnicas innovadoras de narración y multimedia, ofreciendo a los visitantes una comprensión más profunda de su legado perdurable en la concepción de Coral Gables y más allá.

Curaduría / Curatorship: Patrick Alexander, Yuni Villalonga, and Sophia Ramirez-Peralta.

Educational Programs / Programas educativos: Gianna Riccardi & Ian Melgarejo

Installation / Instalación: Adrián Menendez, Fabian Peña, and Alejandro Taquechel

Marketing and Communication / Marketing y Comunicación: Maylin Lara

In collaboration with the Historical Resources and Cultural Arts Department, Raul E. Valdés-Fauli Coral Gables Archives, City of Coral Gables. 

En colaboración con el Departamento de Recursos Históricos y Artes Culturales, los Archivos de Coral Gables Raúl E. Valdés-Fauli y la Ciudad de Coral Gables.


Professor Emeritus Philip M. Church created the work in collaboration with the nonprofit theater company What if Works.

It highlights Merrick’s contributions to South Florida and the significance of Coral Gables’ history. From his creative use of coral in city construction to his advocacy for gender pay equality and the establishment of community institutions, the production celebrates Merrick’s lasting impact.

With Church’s experience in FIU’s theater program and recent focus on local history, this production promises to offer an engaging exploration of George E. Merrick’s life and accomplishments.